Thursday, February 22, 2007

Interdisciplinary research may be lauded, but it's not yet rewarded.

Article source: Nature
Nature 445, 950 (February 2007) doi:10.1038/nj7130-950a
The inside track from academia and industry: Crossing boundaries, hitting barriers
Adina Paytan1 and Mary Lou Zoback2
Adina Paytan is in the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University, California.
Mary Lou Zoback is vice-president of earthquake risk applications at Risk Management Solutions in Newark, California.
To discuss this article, contact the editor

Adina Payton

Mary Lou Zoback
The scientific community recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary research. But institutions have not yet caught up with ways to reward good examples of it. In fact, interdisciplinary research in academia often faces discouraging barriers. Working across disciplines requires not only depth of knowledge but also a holistic understanding of complex systems. But the tenure system largely favours narrowly focused research in subdisciplines.
Much progress in our field, Earth sciences, has emerged from working across several disciplines. Combining medicine and geophysics is resulting in new medical devices. Mixing meteorology and biology provides new ways of looking at the spread of infectious disease. And blending oceanography and atmospheric science leads to a better understanding of the causes and consequences of global warming. We need to continue and expand these multidimensional approaches to benefit humanity and improve the prediction of climate and natural hazards, and to provide science-based solutions that support human well-being and the sustainable use of our resources.
The 2006 US National Academies report Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future emphasizes the value of interdisciplinary research, noting that many significant scientific and engineering advances cut across several disciplines.
Academia has taken some steps to embrace interdisciplinary research. The Harvard University Center for the Environment programme recognizes that the most pressing problems facing the environment are complex and often require collaborative investigation by scholars versed in different disciplines. Similarly, the new Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University is an interdisciplinary hub for research, teaching and problem-solving that draws on the experience and expertise of faculty members and students from all seven schools at Stanford University.
But the university reward system has generally not kept pace with this approach. Most universities still rely on a tenure process that judges excellence and leadership in a narrowly defined disciplinary (or subdisciplinary) field.
Indeed, a 2004 National Academies report, Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research, lists "promotion criteria" as the top impediment to interdisciplinary research, based on separate rankings by both scientists and university provosts. "An interdisciplinary faculty member seeking tenure often faces two challenges beyond those faced by members working in a single discipline," says the report. "First, interdisciplinary research done by the candidate may not be valued sufficiently to compensate for lower output of disciplinary research ... Second, it can be difficult to find reviewers who understand the overall quality of the work, which usually lies outside the expertise of people on the tenure evaluation committee."
The committee recommended that institutions provide more flexibility in promotion and tenure procedures, recognizing that the contributions of someone in interdisciplinary research may need to be evaluated differently from those of someone in a single-discipline project. Indeed, if universities want to attract and retain innovative young researchers and foster novel approaches to science, they should support infrastructure, research needs and opportunities for integrative research. They also need to find different ways of rewarding and evaluating scientists who are engaged in such research.
If universities want to attract innovative young researchers, they should support integrative research.
We advocate several steps towards proper recognition of the contributions of interdisciplinary researchers. They include establishing interdisciplinary review committees to evaluate faculty members who are conducting such research, with at least one of the committee members actively doing interdisciplinary work themselves. We'd like to see tenure committees solicit input from scientists personally familiar with the candidate's work — people who can assess individual contributions to collaborative projects and roles in facilitating the research. Letters to external referees should be formulated to emphasize the transdisciplinary nature of the candidate's work and not require that the candidate be identified as or compared with an expert in one specific field. Interdisciplinary researchers could also have more time to reach tenure milestones, as their research can be more time-consuming to coordinate, conduct and synthesize.
Interdisciplinary research and education are inspired by the drive to provide effective solutions to complex questions. A central problem it faces is in finding ways to remove those barriers.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Six Important Things to Consider before chosing a major


Before using MAJOR DECISIONS to start searching for information, first think about your personal characteristics (interests, abilities, values, personality, and motivations) and about the realities you might face in deciding on a major. Then keep these six important considerations in mind as you sort through and evaluate the information you collect.

The questions listed under each consideration below are just some examples to get you started; you should be able to think of others.

1. Your Interests

Think about the kinds of things that you enjoy. Here are a few questions to get you started.
What activities do you like to participate in just for fun?
What do you like to watch on TV?
What topics do you enjoy reading or talking about?
What courses did you like most in high school?
When you fantasize about a career, what do you think you would enjoy doing or being?
What other things are you interested in?
What kinds of activities are you not interested in, and why?
Don't underestimate how important your interests can be when choosing a major. Imagine not being interested in a subject and studying it in depth for four years or more. Would you be interested in the course work required in a particular major?

2. Your Abilities

Here are a few sample questions to help you think about your abilities (the things you're good at).

How do your SAT scores and high school grades compare to those of other students?
How have others judged your abilities in the past?
Have you won academic honors, or awards for excellence in art, music, debate, sports, or other performance areas?
Do you seem to have a natural talent for helping other people, working with numbers, influencing others, solving problems, using your hands, organizing events, or other areas?
How strong are your study skills?
What other abilities do you have?
Do you have the ability to be successful in the course work required in a particular major?

3. Your Values

Think about what's really important to you—the values and principles that guide your life. How would you answer these questions?

Are your decisions and choices in life influenced by certain religious, spiritual, philosophical, moral, or ethical beliefs and teachings?
Where do you stand politically on various issues?
How important is it for you to help others or serve your community?
Is making a lot of money really important to you? Or how about just a “comfortable” living?
Would you rather save the rain forests or cut them down? Why?
Would it be easy for you to cheat on an exam because you think it's “no big deal”?
When faced with a moral dilemma, do you always “do the right thing,” even if it's difficult?
Could you work in a job that promotes unethical, illegal, immoral, or unhealthy activities?
What place does a family have in your future?
What other things are really important to you?
How would you summarize your personal values?
How would you feel if your values didn't match with a particular major or career you were considering?

4. Your Personality

Think about your emotions, behaviors, and ways of thinking. Here are some questions to help you assess your personality traits.

Are you outgoing—or shy?
Are you assertive—or passive?
Do you seek out excitement—or peace and quiet?
Are you open to new experiences or do you avoid them?
Are you chronically late, or are you always on time?
Are you anxious and nervous—or really laid-back?
Do you act impulsively or do you take your time to make decisions?
Are you patient and understanding or do you lose your temper easily?
Do you like being the center of attention or blending in with the crowd?
How else would you describe your personality?
If you're shy and introverted, how would you feel about having to work in groups or give a speech to a roomful of people? If you're impatient, would you be able to work with young children? If you like to take your time to make decisions, how would you react to tight deadlines?

Personality traits may not be easy to change. Does your personality match with the majors/careers you are considering?

5. Your Motivations

Ask yourself what's motivating you to consider certain majors.

Are you motivated mostly by your interests, your abilities, your values, or something else?
Are outside pressures from family, friends, or the job market influencing your decisions?
Are you considering a major just because you think it will be easy?
Are you thinking about choosing a major because somebody else said you “should”?
Are you considering only majors that you think will lead to good jobs and a lot of money?
What other things are motivating you?
Would your motivation be strong enough to allow you to succeed in a major even if other factors seemed to point away from that major?

6. Realities

Consider what situations in your life may have a strong and overriding influence on your choice of major.

Do your interests, abilities, values, personality, and motivations conflict with each other or are they in agreement? (Sometimes students are very interested in a major but find that they don't have the abilities to handle the required courses. On the other hand, some students have strong abilities in a particular area but don't have any real interest in studying that topic. And sometimes students have both interests and abilities in a major but aren't willing to risk four or more years of time and money if it seems unlikely they'll find a job in that area.)
Will you be able to meet entrance-to-major requirements on time, especially for majors with administrative enrollment controls?
How much extra time will it take you to graduate if you've already completed a lot of credits that can't be applied to the major you choose?
Does Penn State offer the major(s) you're interested in, or would you have to transfer to another school?
Can you afford to pay for four or five years of college, or only two years?
What other realities are you facing?
Consider these and other outside factors that may make a significant difference to you. Is your choice of major a realistic one?

Thursday, February 8, 2007


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