Friday, January 19, 2007

line-dry or dryer?

I am happy to read the note on the page of global warming on "the Sacromenta Bee" Friday, 19, 2007 .

Line-dry clothes
Line-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer and you can save 700 pounds of CO2 and $75 per year.

But our apartment management dosen't permit to line-dry clothes in the patio or yard. And I have seen few people line-dry clothes in Davis. Why not?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Friday, January 5, 2007

postdoc resources

Career Options
This section describes various career paths a PhD scientist may choose to follow, and provides links to various sources of information related to those careers.

Self Evaluation
How to choose the right career for you.

Finding the Perfect Postdoc Position
An elegant article written by one of the NPA's founding members, Carol Manahan.

Postdoc Careers
Links to trends and reports. Postdoc Pages
A wealth of career development resources from the NPA's Job Board partner ***
Searchable archive of many articles related to education (grad student and postdocs) and career resources.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Google lover

I love google services that are creative, convenient and thoughtful.

I like to put my heart into words sometimes, and I like to share some useful resources with my friends. And Google blog is just the place.